Large-scale structure and
Reionization Simulations

Our group at IIT Kharagpur (India) have developed a semi-numerical package to simulate the comoving boxes of reionization 21-cm brightness temperature distribution at the relevant redshifts. The codes are written in C language and OPENMP parallelized. This package is reasonably faster in simulating 21-cm maps at high resolutions. It is more accurate as the dark matter density is generated considering full non-linear gravitational evolution instead of approximate perturbation theories. The redshift space distortion is also incorporated in our codes. The reionization simulation has three fundamental steps for which we have separate sets of codes which are arranged sequentially below.

  • N-body Code

    It employs Particle-Mesh algorithm to gravitationaly evolve the initial perturbations in the dark matter density field. The code is OPENMP parallelized. The code is publicly available on the Github at this link.

    You may also clone it from your terminal using
    git clone

    Another version where you can control the number of OPENMP threads is available in the threads branch at the same link. To clone that run the following from your terminal
    git clone --branch threads

    You may look into the README and the documentation for more details and citations.
  • FoF Halo Finder

    It employs Friends-of-Friend algorithm to find halos(groups) of dark matter particles from the output of the previous N-body simulations. The code is publicly available on the Github at this link.

    In order to clone it from your terminal type
    git clone

    If you are using the N-body code from threads branch then use the same for the FoF too. To clone the threads version from your terminal run the following
    git clone --branch threads
  • ReionYuga

    It uses halo catalogue and the dark matter distribution from the pervious two steps to generate the reionization 21-cm brightness temperature distribution from a three parameter model. User are advised to look into Shaw et al. (2020) for the details of the parameters. This piece of codes are also OPENMP parallelized. The code is publicly available on the Github at this link.

    In order to clone it from your terminal type
    git clone

    To clone the threads version from your terminal run the following
    git clone --branch threads


To compile and run the above set of codes you must have the following installed in your system.

  • GNU C Compiler
  • GNU Make
  • FFTW3 (installed with --enable-float --enable-threads and --enable-openmp)
  • GNU Scientific Library (version 2.x.x)

Fast Bispectrum Estimator

Coming Soon .......